Saturday, March 16, 2013

I've been slacking...

Hello everyone! It's been so long since I posted on here, and I'm having a hard time keeping up with this blog. So, Ive decided to just post whenever I can. No set time or date, just when I think of it.
Anyways... Now that I've got that out of the way, I can finally express my deep liking for the song "Thrift Shop" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis (the clean version, of course!). I've been singing the chorus over and over, and it's come to the point where I cannot get it out of my head... Literally. Should I consult a doctor? LOL just kidding!!! But seriously, I love that song! :P

So, speaking of thrift shop... I went thrifting earlier today with my friend Chelsea and her family. I'm so happy to have a friend who understands the way I feel about thrift shopping (frankly, she feels the same way about it as I do, haha!) She's such a great person and I love her like a sista! (If you're reading this Chels, then, HI!!!)

Thrift shopping is amazing. Nuff said.
In case maybe some of you girls and/or guys are wanting to go thrifting, but have never gone before, here's a list of my top three tips for mastering the art of thrifting (or just getting through the overwhelming first experience).

1. Wear comfy clothes - There's nothing worse than thrifting in high heels, super tight skinnies, a big purse, a short dress... especialy if it's one of those thrift stores that have those big bins of clothes you have to dig through. Wear something comfortable. After all, it's a second hand clothing store, not a red carpet event, who cares if you go in your gym clothes!

2. Ask if there are any sales - I know what you're thinking: 'It's a discount store, everything is already on sale!'. Well, when you get there, check the pricetags. Are some colored differently than others? Usually, depending on the thrift store, different colored pricetags are on sale on different days of the week. It wouldn't hurt to ask one of the clerks, this way you can look for the color tags of that day, and save even more money! Pretty awesome, eh? (yes, I'm Canadian, hehe!)

3. Go with an open mind - You never know what you're gonna find at the thrift store. Don't go with something specific in mind that you want, or need. Be open to trying new styles, sizes, peices! Also, if you see something you think you like but are questioning whether to buy it or not, throw it in the cart! If you leave it there and decide later that you want it, it might not still be there. Basically, grab it. You can always put it back later!
If at the end of the day you couldn't find anything you liked, don't give up! You didn't have a bad day, they had bad selections! Try again some other time, and maybe invite a friend to go with you! That way you can grab something you think the other person might like, and they can do the same for you!

Happy Thrifting!


P.S. I just typed this whole thing on an android phone. My thumbsies need a rest, and so do my eyes. It's off to bed I go! Nighty night blogger friends! :)


  1. Aww thanks, Kels! I had tons of fun. LYLAS! <3 Nothing better than thrift shopping. And finding Despicable Me overalls. Lol! XD

    Oh, and the flowers worked wonders for my window! Love them. :)Have you started the bows/headbands yet?

  2. No problem! Thanks again for taking me with you! Those overalls were so awesome!
    Glad the flowers worked! I glued the two bows that I made to the barrettes, and I made the headband. They all worked great! I love crafting! :)
