Happy 1st of August!! :)
So, I'm kind of... sort of... REALLY EXCITED RIGHT NOW!!! AHHHHH!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Tomorrow I'll be at this massive retreat called STEUBENVILLE ATLANTIC!!!! It's an amazing Catholic retreat for teens ages 14 to 18. It's just a weekend thing, but from what I've heard, it's jam packed with a bunch of Catholic awesomeness. It'll truly be a unique experience! There will be very moving talks, great music, mass, adoration, delicious food, and some free time too. It should be a blast! :D
On a side note, I want to apologize for not putting the vlog up yet... but it's coming! I'll film it sometime next week I promise! I've just been extremely busy with camping and retreats and stuff. But, after this weekend, I have nothing else planned for the month of august, so I'll have lots of time to film the vlog :)
I love you guys/girls and will be praying for each one of you this weekend :)