Thursday, January 31, 2013

Winter into Spring

Bonjour tout le monde! (That's 'hello everyone' in french)
I've been noticing a lot of stores are coming out with their spring clothing collections already, and I know I'm not the only one who lives in a cold climate. So, I decided to put together a post on how to transition from winter to spring without freezing in the not-so-spring-yet weather. Hopefully you find this helpful and maybe try out a few of these ideas :)

Cutie Patooty
Recreate this look with any denim jacket, floral tights, kitten heels, peter-pan collared shirt, light weight scarf, and skirt. 

Girly Girl
Recreate this look with any floral dress, knit sweater, flower studs, bow belt, flats, and light weight scarf. 

Casual and Comfy
Recreate this look with any loose sweater, dark wash denim skinny jeans, light weight scarf, sneakers, and backpack.

 Softly Edgy
Recreate this look with any printed blouse, black skinny jeans, cropped vest, cardigan, and leather boots.

<3 Kelss

P.S. All of these items are from These are just supposed to be ideas, but if you would like to buy any of these items, they can easily be found on there website.

Tag, you're 'IT'! Get to know me tag

Hey everybody! So, heh, long time no post... heheheh :P Sorry about that! Anyways, today I decided to do a tag for ya'll! I see people all over Youtube do these and I thought to myself: "Hey, I could do these on my blog!". So, let's jump right in! (not to be taken literally :P) 

1. Whats your name?
2. How old are you?
15 years old
3. Whats your favorite color?
Mint Green
4. Who is your favorite singer?
I love Ed Sheeran and Jayme Dee <3
5. If you could drive any type if vehicle, what would you choose?
This one!!
6. Money or Love?
I can't even believe this question is on here! Love, duh!!
7. Your dream vacation would be?
To travel around Ireland
8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
9. What would your dream job be?
To be a photographer in Ireland (I have a fetish, alright? :P)
10. Who is your favorite actor?
Ryan Gosling (<3333333333 who doesn't love him??)
11. Who is your favorite actress?
Emma Stone or Drew Barrymore
12. Name 3 of your favorite movies.
The Notebook, My Sister's Keeper, The Help.
13. Name 3 of your favorite TV Shows.
I don't watch TV...
14. Do you have any siblings?
2 brothers and 1 sister
15. Whats your favorite day of the week and why?
Tuesdays because I have choir practice (I love our choir!), and Fridays just because they're awesome!
16. Whats your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas, because I love giving gifts, singing carols and celebrating the birth of Jesus :)
17. Who is someone you admire?
My mother :)
18. what was your last text message?
... I don't have a phone...
19. Where is your favorite place to shop?
The thrift store!!
20. What is your favorite brand of makeup?
21. What type of makeup do you take the most interest in when you go shopping? (ex. eyeshadows, lipsticks, blushes?)
Mascaras and lipsticks
22. What do you like to do for fun?
Singing, blogging, photography, hanging out with friends, shopping, crafting, DIY-ing.
23. Name three sites online that you love.
Facebook , A Beautiful Mess , Modcloth 
24. How did you get into blogging?
I was reading a blog one day and thought to myself: "Hey, blogging looks like fun!", so I tried it out, and I love it!
25. If you could have one famous person as a sibling..who would you choose?
Emma Stone! I love her personality and style!
26. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
One piercing on each ear (basic earring piercings)
27. What is your least favorite thing about your hair?
It's dry and damaged
28. Do people in your life know you blog?
No, actually, not because I don't want them to know, just because I never told them... I guess :P 
29. If you could bring back one person who has passed away and spend the day with them..who would it be?
My step grandfather, (My mom's step father) He passed away on Feb. 15th, 2012. Rest in peace Grampy.

That's it!! Feel free to try out this tag yourself and post it on your blog! Peace out my lovelies!! 
<3 Kelsey

Sunday, January 13, 2013

My favorite 'Pins' of the week...

Hello there, my loves! I thought I'd do something different that I haven't seen any other blogger do before :) If you have a  'Pinterest', or have heard about it, you probably understand the title of this post. If you've never heard of, I totally recommend checking it out!!! It's by far my favorite website ever! Basically, it's a website where anybody can post pictures of anything. I make it sound so boring, but please check it out! You won't regret it :)
Anyways... every week, I'm going to post my top 5 favorite 'pins'. I mostly use Pinterest for women's fashion and home decor, so those are the categories I'm going to be post about. Hope you like this idea :)

Chalkboard Dresser
 I think this is the coolest dresser idea I've ever seen :) I want to make one so badly!

Quote and post-it notes
This is such a cool idea for a teenagers room. I'd be fun for their friends too!

DIY thrifted salt and pepper shakers
 I'll be sure never to pass up wooden salt and pepper shakers from the thrift store again!

Simple mint dress
 I want this! It's so simply, yet so chic!!

Baggy sweaters and leggings
This outfit looks so cozy, and the print on the sweater is so cute :)

Let me know if you would like me to keep doing this! 
<333 Kelsey

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

About me and where I'm from...

I live in tiny Prince Edward Island, Canada. I love it here! I live just down the road from a beach, it's so convenient in the summertime, and not to mention the scenery here is so stunning :) I live close to my friends, too, and by close I mean within a 10 to 20 minute drive away. My friends are so amazing <3 I'm so blessed to have them by my side:)

If you were to come to Prince Edward Island, one word of advice I would give you is don't expect any big cities or skyscrapers... because there aren't any! Ha ha ha! Yes, there are a few shopping malls here and there, grocery stores, flea markets, convenience stores, mini boutiques... but that's nothing compared to the view of nature here.

I can't even begin to describe how beautiful our little island is... There are tons of great beach spots (after all, we're surrounded with water, ha ha ha!), beautiful valleys, red dirt potato fields, lots of agriculture and farming, great wooded areas, and so much more!!!

Now you know a little bit about where I'm from :) Hope you guys enjoyed this little article. I'm thinking about doing one of those 'tag' things that are on youtube, only I'd do it on this blog. Let me know what you guys think and if you have a specific one you would like me to do. 

Talk to you soon my lovies!! <3333
-Kelsey :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hey There :-)

Welcome to my blog! I am fashion, photography, vintage lover, Kelsey :-) I'm so excited to start blogging! Here you'll find a lot of photography, some fashion and makeup do's and don't's, quotes, vintage stuff, and much more :-) 
Hope you like my blog!!
<33 Kelsey